Statistics for Crypto Projects

We provide stats and analytics to help you visually track various metrics related to the real-world adoption of your project, network, or token.

Currently we are helping the parody crypto art project/memecoin HarryPotterObamaSonic10inu to track the following metrics in the below live chart. See all the details on the full page. The chart updates once a day at GMT midnight. This gives participants and project stakeholders an clear and clean, one-stop overview of daily progress in adoption goals.

We’ve been facilitating a community promotional incentive system driven by measurement of the usage of the project’s main hashtag (#harrypotterobamasonic10inu). We track daily usage of the hashtag using proprietary software. The software identifies the various ways in which the hashtag generates engagement. The tracking data can be sorted into lists of the most prominent or active users of the hashtag.

We use this data to create and share community leaderboards on Twitter, with the offer of a prize to incentivise participation.

Fill out this form to start a discussion about how GetPaidMore can help with statistics and analytics for your project.